Park Pavilion Rental
The pavilion at Sands Park is available for use. There is no fee for township residents. Non-township residents pay a $50 rental fee. For rental information please contact the Township office at (231) 587-8633, ext. 112. The Township also provides free Wi-Fi at the pavilion.
2024 Projects
The Board decided to close the two restroom buildings at Sands Park due to costly misuse and vandalism. Three portable restrooms were placed at the park in mid-April and are serviced weekly.
Oak Tree Health
The Township has initiated a relationship with a consulting arborist to assess the forested area of Sands Park, concentrating on our failing oak trees. The arborist will identify a management plan to hopefully preserve the few oaks we have remaining.
Stormwater runoff is continuing to erode the beach and other areas. A representative from the Kalkaska County Conservation District has assessed the erosion causes and made suggestions for potential solutions, which we are exploring further.
Boat Launch Area Coming Repairs
The Township is aware of the need for repairs to the boat launch asphalt apron and the concrete ramp. We intend to close the launch area for a few days and make some repairs in the autumn, after boating traffic has lessened and the dock is removed. When launching your watercraft, please consider making a contribution to the donation box near the dock. These donations help pay for a portion of the launch area maintenance
The playground was refreshed with a natural, soft cedar mulch containing no dyes or chemicals
No Left Turn at Launch Barricade
The new orange barricade to protect the stormwater drain infrastructure was installed at the launch area. Please be aware that making a left turn here, when exiting the boat launch, will result in damage to any vehicle, towed boat or trailer. Signs have been installed to deter drivers from turning left at the barricade.